
7 Ways To Stay Sober When Traveling | Sex Addiction

Have you heard the old adage that “when the cat is away the mice will play?” When children are left unsupervised it doesn’t take long for them to find, or create, a little mischief. Who can blame them? Our brains quickly process the situation: no one’s around, this doesn’t happen too often, let’s take advantage of this opportunity and have

4 Ways to Avoid Emotional Infidelity

Can someone cheat without ever having physical contact? Yes, it is called emotional infidelity. Most affairs happen long before there is any physical connection. So, just how do you avoid going down the path of infidelity? Here are 4 ways to avoid emotional infidelity: 1) End Personal Conversations Emotional Infidelity is rarely planned. It often arises from innocent friendships that

Should Children Pass Along Messages From Ex-Spouses?

How far can you go in involving your children when it comes to your ex-spouse? Ideally, I believe it would be best that all communication between you and your ex-spouse be handled between the two of you. There is absolutely no reason to involve your children. Are you not both grown up individuals? Why do you need to use a

5 Healthy Break Up Do’s and Don’ts

Most people have experienced a break-up in their lifetime. But, break-ups can be traumatic and difficult to get over for most people, so just how can individuals move through a break-up in a healthy way? 5 Healthy Break Up Do's and Don'ts  1)  Do break up in person vs. Don't break up via text or e-mail Address your partner face-to-face so he/she can have a

5 Ways To Deal With Betrayal | Affair Recovery | Orlando Therapy

One thing most people never dream of is their partner betraying them!  Yet, unfortunately, it seems to be the popular topic of conversations these days because of celebrities and their relationships. How do you handle unfaithfulness in your relationship?   Let’s take a look at some tips that might be helpful to you. 1)  Allow Yourself To Grieve There is

Four Ways To Make Relationships and Finances Work

Is money causing conflict in your relationship? Money fights and money problems have been the leading cause of divorce for decades. Being in agreement about your finances is essential to a happy marriage. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest mistakes couples make in regards to money and the ways that these problems can be fixed. 1.  Avoiding

Four Ways To Deal With Guilt

Burdened with feelings of guilt?  Have you done something to cause hurt to your friend or spouse?  Let’s take a look at what you can do when those feelings start to take over your whole being.    1) Pay Attention to the Feelings Guilt is simply a sign telling your conscience that something is wrong. Embrace your feelings, feeling guilty

Women and Porn: Not Just a Guy Issue!

When most people in our culture think about pornography and who is accessing it online, their thoughts automatically go to the male population. Would it surprise you to know that women represent 30% of the internet pornography consumers (Internet Pornography Statistics, 2008; Nielsen//NetRatings, April 2005)? It is time to stop with the “old school” thinking that it is just a

Three Reasons Women Blame the Other Woman

When an affair has occurred, who is to blame?  The responsibility most often should be allocated to the betrayer of the relationship – the husband.  This is not to say the “other woman” does not have responsibility, especially if she knew he was married.  However,it's understandable that the other woman becomes the target for a lot of the anger and

Facebook: Three Ways To Prevent Divorce

  Did you read the recent headlines that Facebook is to blame for 1 in 5 divorces in the United States?  According to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) 81 percent of the country’s top divorce lawyers all agree that there has been a significant increase in the number of cases using social networking evidence during the past five