
5 Reasons Adult Websites Can Ruin Your Relationship

There are many dangers to viewing adult websites; it can damage your most important relationship. The Internet has enabled more people to access pornography in the privacy of their home. Along with that fact, is the realization that it is destroying more committed relationships than ever. IT WILL LOWER YOUR COMMITMENT TO YOUR RELATIONSHIP. In the book, Back From Betrayal,

Five Relationship Tips: Lessons Learned From Celebrity Affairs

Highly publicized celebrities admitting to extra-marital affairs is a reminder that they are people too. Most people think that cheating and affairs happen to other people. Most people do not know that 60% of men and 40% of women cheat, but there are steps you can take to minimize the risk of an affair from affecting your relationship. The question many people

5 Reasons You Can Survive An Affair

From the Oval Office to Hollywood homes... infidelities make headlines around the world. According to the “Myth of Monogamy” by Peggy Vaughan, 60 % of husbands and 40 % of wives will have an adulterous affair and 65% of those marriages will end in divorce. Infidelity can destroy even the strongest relationships. The betrayed partner is left with feelings of shame,

5 Tips: Talking To Your Kids About Infidelity

  Couples every year are faced with how to talk to their kids about infidelity.  How much do you tell them?  How should the hurt parent express their feelings about the indiscretions?  Should the kids be told at all? It is one of the most difficult things to endure when you find out that your spouse has been unfaithful.  If

Tiger Woods and Sex Addiction

Today it was reported that Tiger Woods potentially would check himself into a sex addiction treatment program.  He will join a list of celebrities that have checked into sex rehab in this past year. There is a prevalence of sex addiction in our society as noted by the cultural preoccupation with how sex is reflected in TV, magazines, radio, news,