
  • anxiety, stress, depression, affairs, betrayal, cutting, abuse, self-esteem, blended family, divorce

How to Control the Uncontrollable: Taming Anger

By: Colleen Andre, LMHC Often times we paint anger as an evil and demonic thing that seems uncontrollable. But, what is anger? It is an emotion just like sadness, disgust, joy, and fear. Every emotion is essential to a person in order to function properly. Anger is just another emotion. It is an emotion notifying us that something is wrong. Anger

How to Set Boundaries For Your Parents

Do’s and Don’ts For Parents and Children Going Through Separation or Divorce No. You didn't misread the title. Unfortunately, in today’s day and age, more and more children and teens have to be the ones that take on the responsible role of setting boundaries in the family. This is the most common when parents are going through a separation or

  • anxiety, stress, depression, affairs, betrayal, cutting, abuse, self-esteem, blended family, divorce, anger

6 Signs When Your Anger is Out of Control

By: Colleen Andre, LMHC In August of 2016, Tamar Braxton was involved in a domestic dispute escalating to the point where police were involved. There is belief that the dispute led to a physical altercation, which some speculate was not a one-time incident. This is not the first occurrence where a celebrity makes news for domestic violence. We all remember the shocking footage of Baltimore Raven's

  • anxiety, stress, depression, affairs, betrayal, cutting, abuse, self-esteem, blended family, divorce, anger

Changing Your Self-talk | Orlando Self-Esteem Counseling

By: Mike Martinez It’s important to take a moment and listen to the things we tell ourselves. Listen to them not in the aspect of agreement, but in analyzation: is what I’m telling myself the truth? Should I be telling myself these things? It’s true that we often say things to ourselves we wouldn’t even tell our worst enemies. Isn’t

  • anxiety, stress, depression, affairs, betrayal, cutting, abuse, self-esteem, blended family, divorce, anger

3 Steps to Making Your Blended Family Work | Orlando Divorce Counseling

Can Blended Families Work? In 2015 a story went viral of a dad who was walking his daughter down the aisle on her wedding day when suddenly decided to stop and grab her step-father to join them. What an emotional yet beautiful picture of two men who love the same girl sharing the honor of giving her away. It would

  • anxiety, stress, depression, affairs, betrayal, cutting, abuse, self-esteem, blended family, divorce, anger

5 Signs You’re in a Toxic Relationship | Orlando Relationship Counseling

Has your relationship gone bad? Do you feel like you are in an upward battle and although unhappy you don’t know if it’s time to call it quits? You may be in a toxic relationship that has spiraled out of control. It can be difficult to identify how bad things really are when you are living it but if your

How to Stop Procrastination This School Year | Teen Counseling in Orlando

August for teens is like January for adults. It’s the start of a new (school) year and a time for resolutions, vows and commitments to be made…and ultimately, to be broken. Every August, I have numerous teens sit in my office and say, “It’s going to be different this year; I am going to get good grades this time around;

Stress Reducing Your Life for Back to School | Family Counseling Orlando

Summers are full of activity for many families. However, they are also meant to be a time for deceleration and enjoying the little things. In a sense, a time to breath. A time to decompress in order to get recharged and invigorated for a new school year. Unfortunately, with a new school year rearing closer, many of us are feeling

Is Your Negative Radar on Overdrive?

How familiar do these statements sound to you? “Of course this would happen to me.” “When it rains, it pours.” “If it’s not one thing, then it’s another.” While these are very common comments to make when you’re frustrated or going through a difficult situation, it can also be comments that slowly debilitate you from positive thinking. The more we

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

One of the most ineffective things that we do as individuals is compare ourselves to those around us. It’s a trap that most people fall into daily and the outcome is almost always a negative one. Comparisons can happen pertaining to physical appearance, success status, relationally, and the list goes on and on. If you truly want to maintain a