
Girlfriend Losing Interest In You?

Are you asking if your girlfriend is still into you or not?  If you have to ask...she’s probably on her way out. When a woman is serious and ready to be in a committed relationship, 9 times out of 10, she’ll be sure to make it known. She wouldn’t want you to be looking elsewhere. Trust me, woman can be

5 Ways to Take the Co-Parenting High Road

The loss of a relationship can leave one devastated. It can be very hard to let go regardless of why the relationship ended or whose choice it was. Cutting ties is usually the best way to move on with your life BUT what about when you share children? Now we are talking a whole new ball game. I hate you!

4 Tips To Communicate With Your Teen During A Divorce

Majority of my teen clients come from a divorced set of parents. Sometimes that is the reason they come into counseling in the first place and for others, it's just another facet of their life. I have seen some parents do a wonderful job of making this transition as smooth as possible, but there are a few "DO NOT do's"

How To Not Overspend On Holiday Shopping | Orlando Family Counseling

How To Not Overspend On Holiday Shopping | Orlando Family Counseling Happy Holidays to you and your family from Life Counseling Solutions! While Christmas is about much more than giving gifts, I want to share some advice and tips with our readers in regards to this wonderful holiday tradition. I remember as a young father wanting to give my children

3 Ways To Stay Connected This Holiday Season

3 Ways To Stay Connected This Holiday Season By: Joann Venant It's no secret that the holidays can get pretty hectic.  Stress levels increase when you are trying to not go broke and staying within “budget”, figuring out what gifts to get and who to get them for, decorations, work party engagements, keeping both sides of the family happy, and so

5 Tips to Keep Your Marriage Strong After Children

While celebrating my daughter’s first birthday over the weekend, I found myself reminiscing about what my life looked like only a few years ago. My husband and I were a newly married couple, and our marriage, careers and dogs were our only major responsibilities.  We slept in on the weekends, enjoyed frequent date nights and made spur of the moment plans

4 Tips to Build Self-Esteem

Kim Kardashian may not have broken the internet, but she may have broken your self-esteem. As I scrolled through my "explore" page on my Instagram feed, I couldn't believe what I saw. There she was. Kim Kardashian. ALL of Kim Kardashian. I was shocked at first and then frustrated. I didn't choose to look at a pornographic photo yet there

5 Non-Depriving Tips For A Healthy Holiday|Family Counseling In Orlando

5 Non-Depriving Tips For A Healthy Holiday | Family Counseling in Orlando One of my favorite ideas is that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. So, think back over the last few holiday seasons you’ve had - do you typically end your holidays a few pounds heavier than

5 Ways to Overcome the HOLIDAY BLUES! | Orlando Relationship Counseling

5 Ways to Overcome the HOLIDAY BLUES! | Orlando Relationship Counseling   As we approach Thanksgiving, we are entering the five-week period called "the holidays." Although we are supposed to look forward to the holidays as a time of fellowship and happiness that is not always the case. Perhaps you have lost a loved one, a relationship has ended, you

5 Ways Teens Can Show Parents Thankfulness | Orlando Teen Counseling

5 Ways Teens Can Show Parents Thankfulness | Orlando Teen Counseling For many reasons, the child-parent relationship changes drastically when that child (aka YOU) becomes a teenager. You are trying to become your own person, and your parents are trying to balance out how to treat you like a somewhat adult, all the while you are still their baby! This