
When Is It Time To Get Clean And Sober?

Now is always the right time to get clean and sober!  Often times when someone starts contemplating stopping or going into treatment they will come up with a list of various reasons why they can’t.  We frequently hear things like, “I don’t have time,” “I could lose my job,” or “I won’t spend as much time with my children.”etc… The

  • compassion

Developing Compassion After Trauma & Heartbreak | Orlando Substance Abuse Counseling

By: Jessica Candelaria Lipsey Individuals who have experienced tragic or traumatic events in their life often struggle with self-hatred or intense shame.  These core feelings prevent self-love and compassion, ultimatelypostponing healthy, desirable relationships.  Furthermore, if someone has experienced trauma and lacks healthy coping skills, they are more likely to use alcohol or other substances to self-medicate. Over 80% of individuals

Understanding Co-Occurring Disorders | Orlando Substance Abuse Counseling

by Jessica Candelaria Lipsey Over 10 million people have a mental health disorder and substance use disorder combined (2005).  Recognizing the link between addiction and co-occurring disorders is important for many reasons, but when we acknowledge this link as a professional – whether it be a counselor, nurse, doctor, attorney etc. – it allows us to develop a cohesive system

3 Things To Consider After A Break Up

You're single now. Has it been really difficult to move on after the break up? Have you found yourself consumed with your Exe's life? Break ups are hard emotionally. No matter what kind of relationship whether it was short term or long term. Here are three tips to use quickly after the break up. #1 Don't make your ex a

Fighting the Holiday Blues

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Is it really? For many, the holiday season is a somber time where we remember loved ones lost or the scarcity and pain in our lives. Here are some ways to combat the holiday blues Reach out! As human beings we need to be with people. Making new memories is a great

Beat the Holiday Stress for Blended Families & Time Sharing

The holidays can be a stressful time for blended families. Whether your family has gone through a recent divorce/separation, or not, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with stress and anxiety about the holidays and making it all work. Here are 5 ways to beat the holiday stress for blended families and time sharing. Plan Be open and honest in discussing

How to Stay Motivated, When All You Want to Do is Take a Nap

Some of us have sufficient time during our day or on the weekend to lay down and shut our eyes for a few. Others encounter this rare opportunity by witnessing clouds parting and the golden sun beaming a light right onto your bed: nap time. Now you can either take advantage of this unique moment to take a nap or

  • anxiety, stress, depression, affairs, betrayal, cutting, abuse, self-esteem, blended family, divorce, anger

Four Ways to Take Care of the New Mom | Orlando Parenting Coach

Congratulations! You’ve just got home from the hospital with your wife and your new baby. There’s a lot of thought about how this new baby will affect your lives together and how you’re going to care for baby. But you know what? You actually have to take care of the New Mom too! Taking care of Mom will also help your

  • anxiety, stress, depression, affairs, betrayal, cutting, abuse, self-esteem, blended family, divorce, anger

5 Ways To Better Self-Care

By: Mike Martinez I have often heard that we are our own worst critics. I’ve also heard that we talk to ourselves worse than we would talk to own worst enemy! Maybe it’s time to show yourself a little bit more love and respect. Here are 5 simple things you can do to improve your self-care, to enable a healthier

An Open Letter to My (Adult) BFF…on Valentine’s Day

An Open Letter to My (Adult) BFF…on Valentine’s Day February 14th is usually reserved for valentines such as lovers, spouses and significant others; but there is another relationship that should be recognized on this day of love: your best friend. As an adult, your best friendship looks very different from when you were in high school, but it is just