Do you feel you are alone on a roller coaster of deception that you never agreed to ride? Is the pain of betrayal so deep you are not sure you will ever be able to trust again? Are you questioning whether or not you ever really knew the partner you chose to trust and spend your life with?
The pain of learning that your partner is a sex addict can feel dark and lonely. While the sex addict has groups, recovery programs, and sponsors – or in the worst case scenario – his addiction to turn to, the partner may feel she has no where to go for the unique type of support she needs.
Betrayal by sexual addiction is a wound that is complicated and layered for the partner of a sex addict, with no seeming end in sight. Where can the betrayed partner go to wrestle with her heartbreak in a safe place with others who ‘get it’?
‘Haven’ has been inspired by brave women who are choosing to walk through healing in the face of betrayal by a sex addict. Together, we will be creating a safe space in an intimate setting with a small group of women who are also facing the pain of betrayal as the partners of Sex Addicts.
We will be using the steps to recovery for partners of sex addicts as outlined in the book ‘Facing Heartbreak’ by Stefanie Carnes, LMFT and Anthony Rodriguez as a template.
The groups will intentionally be kept small so that each member gets the fullest experience in healing that she can. Each member will be committed to walking through a healing process for 8 weeks together. We invite you to join us.
‘Safe Haven’: A Safe Space for Women Facing Heartbreak
- Intimate small group setting designed for the unique needs of women facing betrayal by sex addicts, group is limited to 8-10 women
- 8 weeks, Thursdays from 6:30 – 8:30. Call to RSVP!
- Workbook ‘Facing Heartbreak’ provided
- Facilitated by Janie Lacy
Call 407-622-1770 or email to register!
“I wish I had had this information 20 years ago when I first learned about my husband’s struggles. This group therapy has helped me recognize the ways I have been manipulated and abused by my addict partner; given me goals to combat such actions in the future, and heal from the pain so I really have great hope for my future.”
“I’m so glad that I decided to join the group. I feel like I have finally started to heal.”
“This experience helped validate my feelings & what I’ve been through. It helped me to understand and move through the process quicker and easier than being alone and wondering.”