
  • dating-an-emotionally-unavailable-woman

3 Lessons You Learn About Love If You’ve Ever Dated An “Ice Queen”

By: Allison Petro, LMHC There's a reason why they're called "Ice Queens". Women aren't the only ones in need of dating advice due to having an emotionally detached partner. Men may also fall into the hole of getting together with women who are not available, emotionally. Dating emotionally unavailable women can be exhausting and may even leave you feeling like

  • emotionally unavailable women; relationship goals; self-help

4 Signs You’re Dating Emotionally Unavailable Women

By: Allison Petro, LMHC Do you constantly wind up dating women who aren't just a little chilly, but rarely show up for you when you need them? If so, then you might be stuck in a pattern of forming toxic relationships with emotionally unavailable women. And the best dating advice for dealing with someone who's emotionally unavailable? Find someone else

3 Scary Signs You’re In A Toxic Relationship 

By Janie Lacy, LMHC If your heart and gut tells you, “This is not how relationships should be” or “This doesn’t feel safe and loving”, you have a sign from your body and higher self that you are not in a loving and healthy relationship. It’s important to trust these warnings from your gut and/or your heart — much more than

  • how to treat your girlfriend, couples, love, boyfriend, respect, girlfriend, Orlando, winter park, Florida

How To Treat Your Girlfriend So She Respects You More

By: Allison Petro, LMHC  In our culture today, we are surrounded by mixed messages about respect in relationships.  Simply listen closely to the lyrics of songs on your playlist; take notice of what you see on the big screen; and keenly observe what you read and see on social media.  It makes sense that so many people in our society

Are You Where You Think You Should Be?

Have you ever stopped and said to yourself...I'm not where I thought I would be by the age that I am now? You ever felt like you've wasted your time of things that were fruitless? Now that you are in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s you take inventory of your life and come to the conclusion that what you

All About Overcoming Codependency in Women

Do You Have A Relationship Addiction?! Codependency also known as ‘relationship addiction’ implies a disturbed emotional state of putting the needs of your partner before you. Many women are victims of this codependency which forces them to stay in a self-defeating relationship. The reason is that they are either fearful of being left alone or feel entirely responsible to keep

  • men, couples, relationship, women, toxic relationship

3 Reasons Why Powerful Women Fall For Emotionally Unavailable Men

There are specific qualities in the male character that appeal to women. Confidence. The man that has absolutely no insecurities….that you notice. Intelligence. The man who can hold an intellectual and lengthy conversation. Leadership.  The man who can lead a group or corporation in the right direction financially. All of the qualities mentioned above are great to desire in a

Dealing With In-Laws Who Do Not Seem To Accept You

Isn't it normal to want to be accepted by your in-laws? Not feeling accepted by your mother and father-in-law can bring complications, causing you to feel rejected and uncomfortable around them. If you think about it, you're joining into a family with a long history of established bonds. Realistically, it can feel like you are the outsider, especially when your

Blended Families: Boundaries with the “Ex”

The toxic/vindictive ex-wife or husband that doesn't respect the boundaries of their relationship with their ex is because they have never really let go emotionally and will hang on for dear life all the while undermining the Ex’s capability to co-parent with them and move on to a new life. It would be nice if everyone involved could just get

4 Warning Signs Your Partner Is Toxic & Controlling That You Should Never Ignore

By: Collen Andre, LMHC Toxic partners come with warning signs. You feel devastated, empty, and ashamed. You are yet again alone and destroyed by another bad relationship with a toxic person. Why is it that you only see the signs of a toxic relationship after it has ended? Why were you so blind to your partner's controlling behavior and frequent