
  • healing; pain; peace; affair; how to recover from an affair

How To Recover From An Affair & Move On With Your Life

By: Amanda Wiegert, LMHC Often times I hear people say things like, “My wedding day was one of the happiest days of my life.” We don’t marry someone with the expectation that the marriage is going to end in lies, betrayal, and infidelity. Nor do we ever imagine having to google "how to recover from an affair."  However, the harsh

3 Scary Signs You’re In A Toxic Relationship 

By Janie Lacy, LMHC If your heart and gut tells you, “This is not how relationships should be” or “This doesn’t feel safe and loving”, you have a sign from your body and higher self that you are not in a loving and healthy relationship. It’s important to trust these warnings from your gut and/or your heart — much more than

  • me too, letter, sexual assault, survivor, post secret

Dear PostSecret: A Letter To An Assault Survivor

"I am so sick of people minimizing my assault because 'it could've been worse'" Dear postsecret, You are experiencing so much pain, anger, and hurt after hearing the phrase "it could've been worse." Assault is horrible, wrong, and a violation. You do not deserve what happened to you and it was traumatizing. The cutting phrase "it could've been worse"

3 Tips for Accepting Your New Body After Bariatric Surgery

by: Cherlette McCullough After undergoing weight-loss surgery, a lot of men and women struggle with accepting their new body.  After surgical weightloss, most patients struggle with the extra skin, baggy clothes, compliments they're not used to hearing, insults from naysayers, etc.  All of which can cause added stress to the already difficult lifestyle changes. This stress can then cause sadness,

3 Things To Consider After A Break Up

You're single now. Has it been really difficult to move on after the break up? Have you found yourself consumed with your Exe's life? Break ups are hard emotionally. No matter what kind of relationship whether it was short term or long term. Here are three tips to use quickly after the break up. #1 Don't make your ex a

Real Talk On Sexual Assault Versus Trump’s “Locker Room Talk”

By: Colleen Andre, LMHC In 2016 as Election Day was nearing the head-line news became about Trump’s leaked conversation with Billy Bush in 2005. A large group of people consider Trump’s words to be deemed as sexual assault while others consider it just “locker room talk”. CNN's article titled “Trump’s ‘locker room talk’ stirs real talk about sexual violence”  highlighted

  • anxiety, stress, depression, affairs, betrayal, cutting, abuse, self-esteem, blended family, divorce, anger

5 Signs You’re in a Toxic Relationship | Orlando Relationship Counseling

Has your relationship gone bad? Do you feel like you are in an upward battle and although unhappy you don’t know if it’s time to call it quits? You may be in a toxic relationship that has spiraled out of control. It can be difficult to identify how bad things really are when you are living it but if your

The Problem With Rape | Orlando Sexual Abuse Counseling

The Problem With Rape | Orlando Sexual Abuse Counseling Yesterday, a reporter asked President Obama to make a statement about the allegations that Bill Cosby drugged and raped women.  The President declined to comment on Bill Cosby, but followed with a statement that is going to hit home with almost everyone, because it registers as obvious.  He said, “No civilized

Fatherless Epidemic | Orlando Marriage and Family Counseling

Fatherless Epidemic | Orlando Marriage and Family Counseling With Father’s Day approaching I was struck by just how “father” figures are under appreciated in our society. Think about it, do most of us actually recognize all that a father truly embodies to a child? I took this question to the source and I asked my son. I received a plethora