
Sarasota Murder-Suicide, Postpartum Depression?

 Police: Mom shoots baby, then herself in Sarasota murder-suicide.   In September 2013 a devastating and very sad story aired on the Orlando news.  The city of Sarasota needlessly lost a mother and baby.  This story impacts us greatly at Life Counseling Solutions as we work with women who have suffered from Postpartum Anxiety and Depression. In Florida May

New Mom Jitters or Pregnancy and Postpartum Anxiety?

"I’ve heard of Postpartum Depression but what is Pregnancy and Postpartum Anxiety?" "How can I tell if my Anxiety is something to be concerned about or if it is New Mom Jitters?"  15- 20% of women experience Postpartum Anxiety and Depression (PSI, 2010).  But did you know that some women may experience Pregnancy Anxiety or Postpartum Anxiety with or without the

The X Factor: 5 Signs You Are NOT Over Your Ex

“I’m so over him! I don’t care anymore!” How many times have you said this but shortly thereafter you were wishing you were back together?  Have you ever felt so certain that this time you were going to move on, only to then have the “what if” thoughts flood your brain? You are not alone! Did you know that 9

Kate, Duchess of Cambridge…Baby Love?

How do you define love?  Is it the pounding of the heart, sweating palms, passionate, or an instant connection?  Being in love and falling in love for some, describes the action of attachment and a long term commitment… the “You Complete Me”. So how does this tie into the new little Royal Baby and Kate Duchess of Cambridge? Is it Baby

Perimenopause Symptoms: 5 Things You Should Do

Perimenopause can occur for several years and  up to 10 years prior to menopause.  My aunt use to call it "Mental Pause"...her way of joking about the mental, emotional and physical changes during this time in a women's life. It can be challenging and an unknown for many women. The perimenopausal emotional and hormonal connection can often be overlooked. Oprah

7 Ways To Stay Sober When Traveling | Sex Addiction

Have you heard the old adage that “when the cat is away the mice will play?” When children are left unsupervised it doesn’t take long for them to find, or create, a little mischief. Who can blame them? Our brains quickly process the situation: no one’s around, this doesn’t happen too often, let’s take advantage of this opportunity and have

3 Reasons Mothers Should Lean In!

Every day, I talk to women in the grocery store, at my kids' school, birthday parties, doctors offices and online. These women share their real stories of motherhood and struggles. They have courageously shed their capes and dropped their masks. They say, "I was suffering during pregnancy and after the birth of my baby.  I felt alone." They had difficult

3 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was Single

I took nearly two hours to get ready for a fun night with my single girlfriends.  My Michael Kors outfit was fab, my makeup was spotless, and the compliments were overflowing from my girlfriends. We were going to paint the town red, or at least that was the plan. But on that particular night I felt empty and more so

Theme Park 101 for New Moms! Orlando Women’s Counseling

We all love theme parks, the excitement, characters, rides, the magic that thrills adults and children.  As a mom you want to take it all in and have an experience of a lifetime with your family. You and your partner/husband, baby and toddler in tow, may want to attack this foreign land with the determination of climbing Mount Everest. It

Finding Purpose in Being Alone: 3 Ways to Uncover the Power of One

Singledom: we’re either there, been there, or going to be there! This stage and time in our lives is something we all, as human beings, hold in common. Everyone, regardless of size, color, economic position, power, or geographic location will experience this very moment in their lives at some point. How we take advantage of this time is up to