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So far Janie Lacy has created 180 blog entries.

Signs of an Eating Disorder | Orlando Eating Disorder Counseling

Scandal star Portia de Rossi opened up to Entertainment Tonight  a few years ago about her struggle with anorexia and bulimia. The actress, now in her 40s, did not start battling these disorders as an adult, or even a teenager, but became anorexic and bulimic at the young age of 12. While it is difficult to fathom a 12-year-old struggling

Can Divorce Be Healthy For Kids? | Orlando Divorce Recovery

Divorce is not an easy process to go through but children fare better if parents can limit conflict associated with the divorce or at least minimize the child's exposure to it. Children who live in the custody of at least one well-functioning parent do better than those who are living in high stress high turmoil environments with both parents. The

  • anxiety, stress, depression, affairs, betrayal, cutting, abuse, self-esteem, blended family, divorce, anger

6 Tips To Help Children Cope With Divorce | Orlando Divorce Therapy

No one goes into marriage hoping that it will end in divorce, at least I hope not. Divorce is never easy, but add children to the equation and you now have a whole new plethora of issues to face. How do I break the news of the divorce to my children? How do I keep my connection with my son/daughter?

How To Love Your Family Better Than A Stranger | Orlando Individual Counseling

By: Zuleida Herba Somewhere in my decades old subconscious, I have a memory of being somewhere in the age range of 9 years old and throwing some kind of pre-adolescent temper tantrum. (Well, actually I’m sure that I had more than one of those, bless my parents). It was the kind of tantrum where I was determined to make everyone

How Do I Stop Picking the Wrong Person?

The Millionaire Matchmaker, Patti Stagner, constantly tells her millionaire clients who have “trouble finding love” that their picker is broken. Meaning, they keep picking the wrong type of person: cheaters, liars, abusers, “commitmentphobes”, etc. Do you see this pattern in your own life? Here are some tips on how to move forward and get into a healthy relationship. 1. Learn

How to Find Your Worth in Your Self & Not in Others

Many people struggle daily to build and maintain a positive self-esteem. Some struggle more than others because they have not yet developed a true sense of self. It is impossible to have self-esteem without a sense of self. How can you feel good about yourself if you don’t really even know who you are? When developing your sense of self,

How to Love a Sex Addict | Orlando Marriage Counseling

By: Zuleida Herba Women who find themselves in the wake of betrayal by their sex addict partner have a serious and complicated journey to navigate.  Partners who choose to stay with the addict can find themselves caught in a painful tug of war.  They may vacillate between extremes of emotion – one minute putting on a strong front and the

How to Fight Fair in Marriage | Orlando Marriage Counseling

As the award winning songstress, Taylor Swift once sang, “It’s hard to fight when the fight ain’t fair”. Conflict itself is hard enough to manage, let alone when the cards are stacked against us. Without a clear set of rules, arguments can lead absolutely nowhere, or worse, they can send us into a downward spiral. The key is figuring out

Is Your Teen’s Behavior Normal? | Orlando Teen Counseling

Adolescence is one of the most difficult times in a person’s life. According to Erik Erikson’s stages of development, the ages of 12-18 years old are the most important when it comes to development in a person. This is the time that a person is trying to figure out his or her identity. Every decision a teen makes builds their

How to Save Your Marriage: What I Learned from My Divorce

I recall times during my marriage where I would look at my single friends in envy thinking she has it so good. If I could do it all over again I would stay single. Sound familiar? You are not the first woman to think if only I could trade in my husband or have a do over. I’ve heard friends