
About Janie Lacy

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So far Janie Lacy has created 177 blog entries.

The Impact of Sex Addiction | Partners of Sex Addicts

The Impact of Sex Addiction | Partners of Sex Addicts The Basics While a sex addict will encounter many significant challenges in their effort to attain sobriety, their partners and spouses may have it harder.   Anytime infidelity happens, whether it is actually in person, through pornography, or an internet encounter, the deceived partner will find they have to emotionally

Dealing with Betrayal | Partners of Sex Addicts | Orlando Therapy

By: Zuleida Herba I have seen up close and personal that the women who have suffered betrayal from their sex addict partners experience knee weakening, stomach clenching emotional pain that has been imposed on them, not because they wanted or asked for it. It is a kind of suffering that is hard to describe unless you’ve been there personally. It

4 Ways to Build Self-Esteem on Summer Vacation | Orlando Self-Esteem Counseling

Don't take A Summer Vacation From Your Self-Esteem When it comes to mental health, we often make the most progress when we are in our normal routines. So when summer break comes around, it's easy to get caught up in vacations, sleeping in, and just taking a break! But this summer, don't put your self-esteem on the back burner. Here

Overcoming Betrayal | Helping Partners of Sex Addicts

By: Zuleida Herba Sex is an important aspect of healthy life that can be very enjoyable and stress relieving for couples in a relationship. However, some sex can turn into a nightmare for people who find that their partners are sex addicts. With the Internet providing an open door to a wide range of fantasy and deviant sexual behavior, and

Fatherless Epidemic | Orlando Marriage and Family Counseling

Fatherless Epidemic | Orlando Marriage and Family Counseling With Father’s Day approaching I was struck by just how “father” figures are under appreciated in our society. Think about it, do most of us actually recognize all that a father truly embodies to a child? I took this question to the source and I asked my son. I received a plethora

AP Classes Causing Teen Anxiety? | Orlando Teen Anxiety Counseling

Some of my favorite clients to work with are my “AP kids.” These are the teens that are taking advanced placement classes in high school, have a drive to get into a good college, have a passion to be successful, and always set their standards high. I love working with these types of people because they are willing to put

Signs of an Eating Disorder | Orlando Eating Disorder Counseling

Scandal star Portia de Rossi opened up to Entertainment Tonight  a few years ago about her struggle with anorexia and bulimia. The actress, now in her 40s, did not start battling these disorders as an adult, or even a teenager, but became anorexic and bulimic at the young age of 12. While it is difficult to fathom a 12-year-old struggling

Can Divorce Be Healthy For Kids? | Orlando Divorce Recovery

Divorce is not an easy process to go through but children fare better if parents can limit conflict associated with the divorce or at least minimize the child's exposure to it. Children who live in the custody of at least one well-functioning parent do better than those who are living in high stress high turmoil environments with both parents. The

  • anxiety, stress, depression, affairs, betrayal, cutting, abuse, self-esteem, blended family, divorce, anger

6 Tips To Help Children Cope With Divorce | Orlando Divorce Therapy

No one goes into marriage hoping that it will end in divorce, at least I hope not. Divorce is never easy, but add children to the equation and you now have a whole new plethora of issues to face. How do I break the news of the divorce to my children? How do I keep my connection with my son/daughter?