
Treating Depression On Your Own? Here’s What You MUST Know

By Mike Martinez You are feeling depressed and just need a way to pull yourself out of it. You don’t want to pay someone to listen to your problems. Instead, you’ve decided to go online and see what you can do to treat depression on your own. Does this sound familiar? If so, you’re not alone. A person’s instinct is

  • When anxiety takes over and you can't think clearly.

What to Do When Anxiety Takes Over and You Can’t Think Clearly

By Allison Petro, LMHC When anxiety takes over your mind and body do you find it difficult to think clearly?  You feel  restless or on edge, easily fatigued, difficulty concentrating or your mind going blank, irritability, muscle tension and sleep disturbance.   Some people are simply prone to feeling anxious on a regular basis and for others, it is brought

  • What to do when you are angry at your kids.

What To Do When You Are Angry At Your Kids

by Mike Martinez, RMHCI Children can, at times, trigger anger. Many parents know this deep down, but the sentence alone may bring some feelings of sadness. For others, that first sentence is an overwhelming and obvious fact. Maybe that fact is why you’re here reading this. I’m here to let you know that you are not alone.  Let’s start by

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3 Lessons You Learn About Love If You’ve Ever Dated An “Ice Queen”

By: Allison Petro, LMHC There's a reason why they're called "Ice Queens". Women aren't the only ones in need of dating advice due to having an emotionally detached partner. Men may also fall into the hole of getting together with women who are not available, emotionally. Dating emotionally unavailable women can be exhausting and may even leave you feeling like

  • healing; pain; peace; affair; how to recover from an affair

How To Recover From An Affair & Move On With Your Life

By: Amanda Wiegert, LMHC Often times I hear people say things like, “My wedding day was one of the happiest days of my life.” We don’t marry someone with the expectation that the marriage is going to end in lies, betrayal, and infidelity. Nor do we ever imagine having to google "how to recover from an affair."  However, the harsh

Help! My Loved One Is Struggling With Addiction

By: Amanda Wiegert, LMHC, NCC In our world today, almost all of us can say that we know someone who is struggling with or has struggled in the past with an addiction. We see it on the news, on social media, and in our own communities. Recently, we learned that singer/songwriter Demi Lovato relapsed after battling with substance abuse and

  • parentification; parentified; depression; anxiety; codependency; single parent; parenting

What To Do If You Suffered Parentification (AKA Mothering Your Mother)

By: Colleen Andre, LMHC At this point of your life it has finally dawned on you that you did not have a childhood. Instead, you suffered parentification (a process of a role reversal where a child plays the parent to themselves or to their parent). Having fun and feeling carefree as a kid was not an option for you. The question

  • how to overcome codependency; codependency, women, self love, self care, addictions, love, codependent

How To Overcome Codependency

By Amanda Wiegert, LMHC, NCC Are you often unable to stop talking, thinking, and worrying about other people and their problems? Do you find yourself rescuing and taking care of other people but neglecting to take care of yourself? Melody Beattie, a well-known author in the area of relationships, once wrote “A codependent person is one who has let another

  • how to treat your girlfriend, couples, love, boyfriend, respect, girlfriend, Orlando, winter park, Florida

How To Treat Your Girlfriend So She Respects You More

By: Allison Petro, LMHC  In our culture today, we are surrounded by mixed messages about respect in relationships.  Simply listen closely to the lyrics of songs on your playlist; take notice of what you see on the big screen; and keenly observe what you read and see on social media.  It makes sense that so many people in our society

  • emotions, counseling, women, happy, winter park, Florida, Maitland

The Importance of Practicing Emotional Hygiene

By: Allison Petro, LMHC Why is it that we value our physical well-being over our psychological health? Think about it. We are taught at an early age to brush our teeth daily, visit our medical doctor annually, exercise regularly, always wear sunscreen, eat our fruits and vegetables every day and the list goes on and on. How were you taught