
Rejection Hurts

If you have ever experienced rejection, you know how it leaves you...hurt and sad, with many questions. It affects our self worth, self acceptance, and view of ourselves in all relationships. As a result of experiencing this emotional pain, we cope by trying to avoid it in our future. In efforts to avoid it, we become "perfectionists" & "people-pleasers." We

How To Deal With Tough Questions As A Woman

Are you often asked...WHEN ARE YOU GETTING MARRIED? Or WHEN ARE YOU HAVING BABIES? When we are between the ages of 25 -35 we are often asked by friends, family, co-workers, and our church family “When are you going to get married?” Once we get married, we are asked by the same group of people, "When are you going to

Why Men’s Depression So Often Looks Like Anger or Rage

By: Mike Martinez Oftentimes you will see men getting angry and exhibit rage-like symptoms. What does this look like? Throwing things, violence, yelling… power? It’s highly unlikely that it will look like sadness. More often than not men will choose to express themselves in ways that show power and control versus the vulnerability and hurt that is associated with depression.

7 Ways To Help Your Kids Post Mass Shootings

By: Janie Lacy How can anyone explain tragedies like the on going mass shootings, especially school shootings, to kids? There are a few things that parents can do to address any questions or any fears that may come up in children after being exposed to news reports or conversations from classmates.  1) Be Flexible It is important that you realize there

All About Overcoming Codependency in Women

Do You Have A Relationship Addiction?! Codependency also known as ‘relationship addiction’ implies a disturbed emotional state of putting the needs of your partner before you. Many women are victims of this codependency which forces them to stay in a self-defeating relationship. The reason is that they are either fearful of being left alone or feel entirely responsible to keep

  • journaling, healthy, self-care

6 Ways Journaling Helps Your Brain

6 Ways Journaling Helps Your Brain Did you know that affirmations and journaling can be very beneficial to you? Of course, journaling is not just about writing, but it is more about putting down your thoughts and affirming yourself. The following are some of the benefits of affirmations and journaling. Builds your IQ It is possible to stretch your IQ

  • men, couples, relationship, women, toxic relationship

3 Reasons Why Powerful Women Fall For Emotionally Unavailable Men

There are specific qualities in the male character that appeal to women. Confidence. The man that has absolutely no insecurities….that you notice. Intelligence. The man who can hold an intellectual and lengthy conversation. Leadership.  The man who can lead a group or corporation in the right direction financially. All of the qualities mentioned above are great to desire in a

Deathly Afraid of Labor and Delivery

By: Colleen Andre, LMHC You are excited to be a new mom, to meet your precious little one. The only thing standing in your way is... delivery. You are deathly afraid and anxious about labor. You have a hard time sleeping and feeling calm as months, weeks, and days approach your delivery date. Worst case scenarios cycle through your head

What To Do If Your Teen Is Self-Harming

You just found out your teen is self-harming. Your heart drops to the pit of your stomach. You feel shocked, confused, and utterly lost. What now? You are not alone. About 17% of teenagers have engaged in self-harm at least once according to the American Psychological Association.  Often times, self-harm occurs as a way to cope with distressing feelings or

  • me too, letter, sexual assault, survivor, post secret

Dear PostSecret: A Letter To An Assault Survivor

"I am so sick of people minimizing my assault because 'it could've been worse'" Dear postsecret, You are experiencing so much pain, anger, and hurt after hearing the phrase "it could've been worse." Assault is horrible, wrong, and a violation. You do not deserve what happened to you and it was traumatizing. The cutting phrase "it could've been worse"