Counselors & Coaches

  • anxiety, stress, depression, affairs, betrayal, cutting, abuse, self-esteem, blended family, divorce, anger

3 Steps to Making Your Blended Family Work | Orlando Divorce Counseling

Can Blended Families Work? In 2015 a story went viral of a dad who was walking his daughter down the aisle on her wedding day when suddenly decided to stop and grab her step-father to join them. What an emotional yet beautiful picture of two men who love the same girl sharing the honor of giving her away. It would

The Murder of Our Children | Orlando Child Abuse Counseling

The headlines for child abuse are glaring and unbelievable.  One story in particular has stayed with me and I haven’t been able to let it go.  In February of this year, a Detroit woman was arrested for murdering her two children and putting their bodies in a refrigerator.  At her trial, she showed no remorse.  Obviously, she is mentally ill. 

5 Questions To Choose The Best Orlando Couple’s Counselor

Did you know that most consumers of therapy don’t take the time to learn about what they need to know about partnering with the best counselor or therapist who can help them be successful in meeting their therapeutic goals? Firstly, YOU are the consumer so ask questions and “shop” around to find the best fit for you.  It is also

EMDR | Orlando Trauma Therapy

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a treatment used to “desensitize and reprocess” memories that have been stored in your brain as a result of traumatic experiences (this can be a small trauma to a larger trauma).  EMDR is  considered to be an effective therapy because of the quick and lasting relief clients feel from their emotional distress.  EMDR

Performance Based Self-Identity

Self-identity is the recognition of someone’s potential and qualities as an individual. When we have a balanced view of our self-identity, we can find the worth and value in the many facets that make us human. For example, a person can say I am smart, I am kind to others, I am attractive, I have a great sense of humor,

Flight Of A Mom With a Special Needs Child, Orlando Women’s Counseling

Flight Of A Mom With A Special Needs Child   When we are about to take off on a flight, the flight attendants instruct us about our seat belts, emergency exits and oxygen masks. Few of us pay attention.  We are busy settling a baby, telling our kids not to kick the seat in front of you and

Sarasota Murder-Suicide, Postpartum Depression?

 Police: Mom shoots baby, then herself in Sarasota murder-suicide.   In September 2013 a devastating and very sad story aired on the Orlando news.  The city of Sarasota needlessly lost a mother and baby.  This story impacts us greatly at Life Counseling Solutions as we work with women who have suffered from Postpartum Anxiety and Depression. In Florida May

New Mom Jitters or Pregnancy and Postpartum Anxiety?

"I’ve heard of Postpartum Depression but what is Pregnancy and Postpartum Anxiety?" "How can I tell if my Anxiety is something to be concerned about or if it is New Mom Jitters?"  15- 20% of women experience Postpartum Anxiety and Depression (PSI, 2010).  But did you know that some women may experience Pregnancy Anxiety or Postpartum Anxiety with or without the

3 Ways To Help A New Mom Cope

I remember coming home from the hospital with a new baby and feeling the fear, excitement and overwhelming stress of it all. Taking care of the baby, laundry, meals, and even taking a shower was like trying to juggle with my hands tied behind my back. For a new mom when trying to juggle household tasks, the most common emotions

Perimenopause Symptoms: 5 Things You Should Do

Perimenopause can occur for several years and  up to 10 years prior to menopause.  My aunt use to call it "Mental Pause"...her way of joking about the mental, emotional and physical changes during this time in a women's life. It can be challenging and an unknown for many women. The perimenopausal emotional and hormonal connection can often be overlooked. Oprah