
3 Ways FaceCrack (Facebook) Ruins Relationships

  Are you a part of this social-networking phenomenon? It has been described as addictive and “like crack.” I, myself, have joined Facebook in the last year. I got tired of “why aren’t you on Facebook?” Please don’t get me wrong, I love staying connected with family and friends through the network, however, I have several clients that have ruined

Facebook: Three Ways To Prevent Divorce

  Did you read the recent headlines that Facebook is to blame for 1 in 5 divorces in the United States?  According to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) 81 percent of the country’s top divorce lawyers all agree that there has been a significant increase in the number of cases using social networking evidence during the past five

Three Reasons Women Marry Less Educated Men

Have you noticed this trend lately?  More women are marrying men who are less educated than they are! But here is the real question…does it really matter if a woman has more education than her man?  Will the different levels of education impact how they get along in each other’s social circles? Of course, there can be questions of each

Three Things You Need to Know If You Are Married Sleeping Apart

Did you know that more than 23 percent of married Americans sleep alone according to the National Sleep Foundation?  The reason that couples reported that they sleep separately was because of snoring, restless leg syndrome, pregnancy, and different work schedules, but is it a good idea?  According to the National Association of Home Builders, there's been a steady increase in

Four Ways Families Can Cope With Economic Stress

Job loss, car trouble, a leaking roof, credit card bills! What else can happen?! What do you do when the month has more financial demands than the bank account can handle?  These are very real life-events for so many right now; all hope is not lost, even though it can feel very overwhelming at times. Sometimes when life goes into

Five Healthy Couple Conversations

  When I counsel couples that are not married yet, I often probe about their past and current conversations.  If a couple responds, “We have not discussed that yet”, it reveals one of the contributing factors as to why they are in my office. A recent study published in Psychological Science says that people are happier when they spend more

5 Things To Renew Your Relationship in the New Year

What are your New Year’s resolutions for the coming year?  Many times people set goals that include specific career, weight, and financial goals.  How about setting some specific relationship goals?  Below are five things you must do to renew your relationship in the New Year. 1) TAKE INVENTORY This conversation can be fun and invigorating or be anxiety provoking! However, this

Five Wrong Reasons People Marry

Are you or someone you know considering marrying their partner? Many couples get married based on feelings or circumstances. Marriage can be a wonderful experience through proactive work. During pre-marital counseling sessions with couples, one of the questions I often ask: what do you like about each other and why are you getting married? Many times the first response is

Five Relationship Tips: Lessons Learned From Celebrity Affairs

Highly publicized celebrities admitting to extra-marital affairs is a reminder that they are people too. Most people think that cheating and affairs happen to other people. Most people do not know that 60% of men and 40% of women cheat, but there are steps you can take to minimize the risk of an affair from affecting your relationship. The question many people

5 Reasons You Can Survive An Affair

From the Oval Office to Hollywood homes... infidelities make headlines around the world. According to the “Myth of Monogamy” by Peggy Vaughan, 60 % of husbands and 40 % of wives will have an adulterous affair and 65% of those marriages will end in divorce. Infidelity can destroy even the strongest relationships. The betrayed partner is left with feelings of shame,