Life counseling solutions Orlando

Stressed Out Mama!

Summer’s over and now I am hitting the ground earlier, getting breakfast together with one eye open, making lunches, backpacks stocked, thinking about work and dragging sleep drunk kids out of bed. I barely get a swig of coffee before I tear out the door with two rowdy kids in tow. The drive to school is full of “I

3 Ways To Help A New Mom Cope

I remember coming home from the hospital with a new baby and feeling the fear, excitement and overwhelming stress of it all. Taking care of the baby, laundry, meals, and even taking a shower was like trying to juggle with my hands tied behind my back. For a new mom when trying to juggle household tasks, the most common emotions

3 Reasons Mothers Should Lean In!

Every day, I talk to women in the grocery store, at my kids' school, birthday parties, doctors offices and online. These women share their real stories of motherhood and struggles. They have courageously shed their capes and dropped their masks. They say, "I was suffering during pregnancy and after the birth of my baby.  I felt alone." They had difficult