Janie Lacy

5 Questions To Choose The Best Orlando Couple’s Counselor

Did you know that most consumers of therapy don’t take the time to learn about what they need to know about partnering with the best counselor or therapist who can help them be successful in meeting their therapeutic goals? Firstly, YOU are the consumer so ask questions and “shop” around to find the best fit for you.  It is also

Flight Of A Mom With a Special Needs Child, Orlando Women’s Counseling

Flight Of A Mom With A Special Needs Child   When we are about to take off on a flight, the flight attendants instruct us about our seat belts, emergency exits and oxygen masks. Few of us pay attention.  We are busy settling a baby, telling our kids not to kick the seat in front of you and

Kate, Duchess of Cambridge…Baby Love?

How do you define love?  Is it the pounding of the heart, sweating palms, passionate, or an instant connection?  Being in love and falling in love for some, describes the action of attachment and a long term commitment… the “You Complete Me”. So how does this tie into the new little Royal Baby and Kate Duchess of Cambridge? Is it Baby

3 Reasons Mothers Should Lean In!

Every day, I talk to women in the grocery store, at my kids' school, birthday parties, doctors offices and online. These women share their real stories of motherhood and struggles. They have courageously shed their capes and dropped their masks. They say, "I was suffering during pregnancy and after the birth of my baby.  I felt alone." They had difficult

Five Reasons Why One Partner Gives Up On The Marriage

  1.They have met someone else (distraction). Their emotional energy is flowing toward another person.  This is particularly true when a husband quits trying in a marriage.  They will tell their wives “I don’t love you anymore” or “I am not sure I want to be in this marriage”.  Nine times out of ten there is someone else. 2. They

3 Ways FaceCrack (Facebook) Ruins Relationships

  Are you a part of this social-networking phenomenon? It has been described as addictive and “like crack.” I, myself, have joined Facebook in the last year. I got tired of “why aren’t you on Facebook?” Please don’t get me wrong, I love staying connected with family and friends through the network, however, I have several clients that have ruined

Three Reasons Women Marry Less Educated Men

Have you noticed this trend lately?  More women are marrying men who are less educated than they are! But here is the real question…does it really matter if a woman has more education than her man?  Will the different levels of education impact how they get along in each other’s social circles? Of course, there can be questions of each

Battling Sex Addiction

In a culture obsessed with sex, it might seem surprising that we don’t hear more about sex addiction. However, there is plenty of information for people addicted to alcohol, drugs and gambling. In a culture where sex, like alcohol, is socially acceptable and encouraged, and sexual images and provocation abound, it becomes more challenging to distinguish between normal sexuality and

Three Things You Need to Know If You Are Married Sleeping Apart

Did you know that more than 23 percent of married Americans sleep alone according to the National Sleep Foundation?  The reason that couples reported that they sleep separately was because of snoring, restless leg syndrome, pregnancy, and different work schedules, but is it a good idea?  According to the National Association of Home Builders, there's been a steady increase in

3 Ways For Singles To Enjoy Valentine’s Day

Do you watch all the sappy jewelry commercials and fantasize that it is you. Or, do you curse all the marketing campaigns that remind you that you are still alone? As a single person, are you wondering if you can actually enjoy this day instead of taking a “sick day” from life? If you are a single individual on Valentine’s Day,