Flight Of A Mom With a Special Needs Child, Orlando Women’s Counseling

Flight Of A Mom With A Special Needs Child   When we are about to take off on a flight, the flight attendants instruct us about our seat belts, emergency exits and oxygen masks. Few of us pay attention.  We are busy settling a baby, telling our kids not to kick the seat in front of you and

Help for Postpartum Depression and Anxiety in Orlando | Orlando Women’s Counseling

Postpartum Depression and Anxiety Help, Orlando Women's Issue Counselor . How to tell if a A Mother  Might Need Help for Postpartum Depression and Anxiety in Orlando. 1. She may feel anxious or panicky. 2. She has physical problems such as chest pain, racing heart, shortness of breath, dizziness, numbness in hands or feet, tingling sensations, nausea or