
About Scott Thigpen

Scott Thigpen believes that people have what it takes to bring about genuine, lasting change in their lives. He is honored and humbled to be invited into an individual’s life to walk alongside them to discover what is holding them back in their life. His passion is to be used by God to help others find their direction toward a fulfilled life. For the past five years, Scott has utilized his passion for challenging, motivating and inspiring by helping troubled youth overcome behavioral issues at home and school. Scott also provides counseling and support to men and couples from all walks of life faced with issues surrounding addictions, relationships, career obstacles and the challenges of family life.

5 Ways To Thrive In New School Transition

How can parents and students thrive in a new school environment?  A new school environment can be a result of a student going from middle school to high school, or the entire family relocating to a different state.  Today, and especially in Central Florida, there are many schools that parents can choose from for their children.  If your child is

5 Tips To Help Children In A Successful School Year

In many cases children, especially teenagers, need support, encouragement, and accountability when it comes to their school work. Orlando Family Counseling can help you and your family by providing the right tools to get your family moving in the right direction! Keep in mind that in two-parent households, parents should work together as a team in all aspects of parenting.

4 Warning Signs of Sibling Bullying

A study published in the Journal of Pediatrics from researchers with the University of New Hampshire brings light to a very talked about subject in a very different environment. We are all aware of the unfortunate situation of bullying occurring at school. Name calling, physical aggression, and children taunting each other are the common methods used by bullies towards their

7 Ways To Stay Sober When Traveling | Sex Addiction

Have you heard the old adage that “when the cat is away the mice will play?” When children are left unsupervised it doesn’t take long for them to find, or create, a little mischief. Who can blame them? Our brains quickly process the situation: no one’s around, this doesn’t happen too often, let’s take advantage of this opportunity and have