self care

Performance Based Self-Identity

Self-identity is the recognition of someone’s potential and qualities as an individual. When we have a balanced view of our self-identity, we can find the worth and value in the many facets that make us human. For example, a person can say I am smart, I am kind to others, I am attractive, I have a great sense of humor,

Stressed Out Mama!

Summer’s over and now I am hitting the ground earlier, getting breakfast together with one eye open, making lunches, backpacks stocked, thinking about work and dragging sleep drunk kids out of bed. I barely get a swig of coffee before I tear out the door with two rowdy kids in tow. The drive to school is full of “I

3 Reasons Mothers Should Lean In!

Every day, I talk to women in the grocery store, at my kids' school, birthday parties, doctors offices and online. These women share their real stories of motherhood and struggles. They have courageously shed their capes and dropped their masks. They say, "I was suffering during pregnancy and after the birth of my baby.  I felt alone." They had difficult

Now Offering Online Therapy

Due to the recent surge in COVID-19, we are now offering online and tele-therapy options for all new and returning clients. Please contact us for more information or if you would like to schedule an appointment or consultation. Thank you!

