
  • parentification; parentified; depression; anxiety; codependency; single parent; parenting

What To Do If You Suffered Parentification (AKA Mothering Your Mother)

By: Colleen Andre, LMHC At this point of your life it has finally dawned on you that you did not have a childhood. Instead, you suffered parentification (a process of a role reversal where a child plays the parent to themselves or to their parent). Having fun and feeling carefree as a kid was not an option for you. The question

Four Ways to Combat Mean Girls | Teen Counseling of Orlando

Four Ways to Combat Mean Girls | Teen Counseling of Orlando Very few young girls make it through elementary, middle, and high school without experiencing some kind of bullying. If only one girl in the entire school was being bullied, it would be too many. The trend of “mean girls” is on the rise. They may not kick, punch, or

5 Tips For Overcoming ADD/ADHD Without A Prescription

In today’s world it is very common to address a child’s problematic behavior through the use of pharmaceuticals. While this can be a helpful tool to aid your child’s ability to function and concentrate in school, it is not without its side effects. I have heard many complaints from parents that their child seems to lose their unique personality while

5 Tips to Manage Your Marriage with Children

Have you asked yourself the following questions: What is a healthy balance between couple time, kid time, and family time?  Is it better to be kid focused or couple focused?  Does it seem impossible to create a balance, to continue to build a strong marriage, while nurturing your kids? Below you will find five things that will help you build