Orlando parenting counselor

  • Trash talking your ex can lead to long term emotional impact for your children.

Trash Talking Your Ex: The Long Term Emotional Impact For Children

There is an old saying “There is a fine line between love and hate.” You understand this now. You never thought you would be so confused, full of anger and overwhelmed by feelings.  Being a divorcee and co-parenting never crossed your mind. You are hurt, angry and trash talking your ex. You try to not to say anything in front of

Flight Of A Mom With a Special Needs Child, Orlando Women’s Counseling

Flight Of A Mom With A Special Needs Child   When we are about to take off on a flight, the flight attendants instruct us about our seat belts, emergency exits and oxygen masks. Few of us pay attention.  We are busy settling a baby, telling our kids not to kick the seat in front of you and

Stressed Out Mama!

Summer’s over and now I am hitting the ground earlier, getting breakfast together with one eye open, making lunches, backpacks stocked, thinking about work and dragging sleep drunk kids out of bed. I barely get a swig of coffee before I tear out the door with two rowdy kids in tow. The drive to school is full of “I