
  • parentification; parentified; depression; anxiety; codependency; single parent; parenting

What To Do If You Suffered Parentification (AKA Mothering Your Mother)

By: Colleen Andre, LMHC At this point of your life it has finally dawned on you that you did not have a childhood. Instead, you suffered parentification (a process of a role reversal where a child plays the parent to themselves or to their parent). Having fun and feeling carefree as a kid was not an option for you. The question

5 Signs of a Codependent Relationship

Tracy has felt like just an extension of another human being, at a loss of her own personal identity, and a doormat to her husband Bill of 23 years.  She describes her marriage as “all giving and not much getting”. She is frustrated, drained, alone, and so aware of his constant wants that she no longer knows what she wants