Anger Management

Battling Sex Addiction

In a culture obsessed with sex, it might seem surprising that we don’t hear more about sex addiction. However, there is plenty of information for people addicted to alcohol, drugs and gambling. In a culture where sex, like alcohol, is socially acceptable and encouraged, and sexual images and provocation abound, it becomes more challenging to distinguish between normal sexuality and

Three Things You Need to Know If You Are Married Sleeping Apart

Did you know that more than 23 percent of married Americans sleep alone according to the National Sleep Foundation?  The reason that couples reported that they sleep separately was because of snoring, restless leg syndrome, pregnancy, and different work schedules, but is it a good idea?  According to the National Association of Home Builders, there's been a steady increase in

5 Tips: Talking To Your Kids About Infidelity

  Couples every year are faced with how to talk to their kids about infidelity.  How much do you tell them?  How should the hurt parent express their feelings about the indiscretions?  Should the kids be told at all? It is one of the most difficult things to endure when you find out that your spouse has been unfaithful.  If