
All About Overcoming Codependency in Women

Do You Have A Relationship Addiction?! Codependency also known as ‘relationship addiction’ implies a disturbed emotional state of putting the needs of your partner before you. Many women are victims of this codependency which forces them to stay in a self-defeating relationship. The reason is that they are either fearful of being left alone or feel entirely responsible to keep

Deathly Afraid of Labor and Delivery

By: Colleen Andre, LMHC You are excited to be a new mom, to meet your precious little one. The only thing standing in your way is... delivery. You are deathly afraid and anxious about labor. You have a hard time sleeping and feeling calm as months, weeks, and days approach your delivery date. Worst case scenarios cycle through your head

What To Do If Your Teen Is Self-Harming

You just found out your teen is self-harming. Your heart drops to the pit of your stomach. You feel shocked, confused, and utterly lost. What now? You are not alone. About 17% of teenagers have engaged in self-harm at least once according to the American Psychological Association.  Often times, self-harm occurs as a way to cope with distressing feelings or

How to Balance Helping Others & Still Care for Yourself

By: Colleen Andre, LMHC As a supportive friend, helpful family member, or reliable employee you are the one everyone goes to when in need. The fixer, advice giver, helper. At the same time, you feel exhausted, irritable, anxious, and stressed out. You find yourself run down because your energy is always spent on others. What you really crave is a healthy

Emotional Regulation | Orlando Therapy | Life Counseling Solutions

Our emotions deeply affect our actions, even when we are not aware of them. When we feel jealous, angry or rejected we are likely dealing with whatever stressors we have by suppressing our emotions. On the other hand, when we constantly worry and pre-occupy ourselves to avoid our feelings, we are surviving in a dysfunctional manner leading to anxiety and

  • hurricane season; hurricane anxiety; Florida; hurricane

Hurricane Season: Am I Really Prepared?

Hurricane season is right upon us. As the hours and days draw closer and closer so does your fears. You have physically prepared as much as possible by putting up shutters, buying water and food supplies, and filling up your gas tanks. But, are you emotionally prepared? It is important to not only care for you and your family’s physical

  • hurricane anxiety, hurricane, anxious, worry, Florida, fear

Hurricane Anxiety | 3 Tips to Calm Down

It's a difficult day when people are panicking and lining the streets and stores to prepare for the worst. You are doing as much as possible for the unknown by securing your home, buying food or supplies, and ensuring you and your family’s safety. However, you are doing all of these things but the hurricane anxiety is not going away. 

Prince William and Prince Harry: Dealing with Death

By: Colleen Andre, LMHC In a documentary called "Diana, 7 days," Prince William and Prince Harry share their experiences in dealing with the death of their mother. "I remember just feeling completely numb, disorientated, dizzy," William said. "You feel very, very confused. And you keep asking yourself, 'Why me?' All the time, 'Why? What have I done? Why? Why has this

“What Causes Addiction?”

By Jessica Lipsy I think we ask ourselves this question because we want answers.  We want to get to the root cause of someone’s drinking. Maybe we are hopeful that if we can figure out why they started in the first place and solve that problem then it won’t be an issue all together.  Or maybe if we figure out

4 Warning Signs Your Partner Is Toxic & Controlling That You Should Never Ignore

By: Collen Andre, LMHC Toxic partners come with warning signs. You feel devastated, empty, and ashamed. You are yet again alone and destroyed by another bad relationship with a toxic person. Why is it that you only see the signs of a toxic relationship after it has ended? Why were you so blind to your partner's controlling behavior and frequent