Orlando Anxiety Counseling & Treatment

What is Anxiety?

Are you living day by day nervous, in fear, or constantly feeling overwhelmed? This is probably due to an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders can develop from many different factors and can affect each and every person differently. Anxiety disorders can develop because of genetics, personality, stressful life events, and many other reasons. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) has shared that more than 40 million Americans suffer from anxiety-related illnesses and anxiety is also considered the most common mental disorder in the United States*.

What are the Different Types of Anxiety Disorders?

There are many different types of anxiety disorders that our Orlando Anxiety Counselors can help you with. The following is a list of the most common types of anxiety disorders:

  • General Anxiety Disorder – This type of anxiety disorder is very common, but is more common in women. This may cause the individual to constantly worry, feel restless, get headaches, become easily startled and the symptoms go on and on.


  • Panic Disorder – Panic Disorder sends the individual into a pit of fear, and the individual may show many unsettling symptoms. Some of these symptoms involve having a racing heart, becoming dizzy or weak, or having a feeling of no control.


  • Social Anxiety Disorder – Social Anxiety is a disorder that hinders the individual to communicate and react normally in the presence of other people. A person suffering from a Social Anxiety Disorder will often feel alone even in the presence of others.


  • Test Anxiety –This is the most common disorder among college students. This normally brings about feelings of defeat even before attempting the test. These symptoms can involve sweating, nervousness, headaches, and other feelings of discomfort.


  • Performance Anxiety – This type of disorder is common among athletes, but can affect anyone trying to accomplish tasks. This affects the person in such a way that he or she does not feel like they can perform the task, and this can even hinder their performance when trying to perform tasks in the future.


  • Phobias – More and more people have difficulties dealing with phobias and this is even common among young children. A phobia generally involves being particularly afraid, or fearful, of something. This could be an object, a place, or even a person.


How we are treating Anxiety?

There are many different options when seeking treatment for anxiety. Because not everyone needs the same treatment or services, we must advise you that the first step is to speak with a mental health care professional about your specific needs. The following is just a few of the options available for the treatment of anxiety disorders:

  • Therapy – There are many different methods of therapy that an Orlando Anxiety Counselor may advise you to partake in. From Cognitive Behavior Therapy to Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDRTherapy there are many routes to manage your anxiety.
  • Medication – This step is taken when you and a health care professional decide that medication is beneficial to your wellbeing as a person and is needed to better your quality of life.
  • Alternative Treatments – There are many different alternative treatments available like yoga and acupuncture. These techniques are using to promote a less stressful life, and also helps to relax the individual.

What is Next?

Please, if you suffer from any of these types of anxiety, do not live in suffering. There is an Orlando Anxiety Counselor that can help you with your specific health care needs. At Life Counseling Solutions our Orlando anxiety counselors are fully licensed in mental health care & treatment and can help you cope with many different types of anxiety disorders. When you contact an Orlando Anxiety Counselor you will receive a 15-minute consultation from an Orlando Anxiety Counselor absolutely free! Call us at 407-622-1770 or email us at info@LifeCounselingSolutions.com



* American Depression and Anxiety Association – http://www.adaa.org