By: Colleen Andre, LMHC

Work is starting back up, kids are returning to school, and the bills are coming in. Post-vacation hangover is real! Once the high from pine needles, Christmas cookies, and decorations is gone, reality hits like a ton of bricks. It is relatively easy to feel overwhelmed, anxious, and dreadful as January sets in.

Here are a few simple tips to remedy your post-vacation hangover:

Routine, routine, routine.

Setting yourself back on a routine can be a tremendous help. Implement bedtime routines, meal planning, and even leisure activities for yourself and your family. Nightly and morning routines are especially important. Feeling more awake in the morning and not being rushed out the door can make the difference between having a great day or crappy day.

Taking it one day at a time.

It’s important to plan and look towards the future. However, when the idea of tomorrow’s workload or next week’s bills sets your anxieties at an all-time high, then it will be best to focus on the here and now. Focus on being able to make it through today, the workday, the next few hours, or maybe the next few minutes. You need to build up your stamina and sometimes future thinking can be anxiety provoking and discouraging.


Post-vacation blues can be most difficult because you are stuck living in your mental vacation wishing you were still there. Counting down to the next vacation can add onto the day-to-day dread. Identify the things you appreciate about the holidays, accept that they are gone, and move forward. You can help yourself move forward by noting what you are enjoying right now. No more family entertaining, unwanted in-laws, high-stress present shopping, etc. Instead, you are enjoying a new project coming up, your kids out of the house, and your favorite shows coming back on.

Implementing these three tips will help ease your transition from the holiday high. However, if you are having a harder time entering into the everyday routine, whether it is feelings of dread, anxiety, or overwhelming sadness, seek some assistance today.

Call Life Counseling Solutions at 407-622-1770 to set up an appointment or a free 15-minute consultation with me. Or, make your first appointment online by clicking here. 

About Colleen: Colleen values the importance of a comfortable and non-judgmental atmosphere. At the heart of her work, she seeks to create a safe environment in which clients can feel at ease while working through life’s difficulties. Her specialty is working with women and adolescents struggling with anger management, trauma, and anxiety. She also enjoys assisting those facing multicultural or racial issues. Ultimately, her goal is to help clients uncover the source of their distress so that they can begin to heal.See Colleen’s full bio.