Fatherless Epidemic | Orlando Marriage and Family Counseling

With Father’s Day approaching I was struck by just how “father” figures are under appreciated in our society. Think about it, do most of us actually recognize all that a father truly embodies to a child? I took this question to the source and I asked my son. I received a plethora of answers ranging from “a love giant”, “superhero” to “booboo kisser” and “my bike rider helper”. These titles may seem childish and somewhat inconsequential at a superficial glance, but with a deeper look these qualities truly are the core of what a father “should be” to a child: a care giver, provider, supporter, teacher, friend, protector.  Unfortunately, there are many children, both young and grown up, who are missing this key figure in their life.

ID-10063601Yes, a mother can, and often will, take on many of these core roles, but research has shown children still need a strong “father” figure in their life. For many the good news is this “father” figure does not have to be the biological father. Realistically, many children who are still in the care of their biological father, are receiving more harm or neglect than good.  Being present, physically is not enough on its own. Many times men who are “not required” to love the child, can take extra steps to be amazing “father” role models.

A recent article on Today.com highlights how imperative non-biological “father” figures can be in this fatherless epidemic.  As the article states caring step-fathers and even boyfriends can be a huge asset to children. Additionally, uncles, brothers, friends, neighbors, fellow church members, etc. can be superb strong “father” role models. As a society we need to work to promote and recognize the importance for our children in having strong “father” figures in their lives, whoever those men may be.

So this Father’s Day Weekend let’s thank the men in our lives who provide strong “father” figures to our children and take a stand against this fatherless epidemic.

Join other Orlando locals at the Father/Son Festival June 20th at 10 AM between I-4 & Orange Avenue on Washington Street. For more information click here.


Morgan is an Orlando Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who loves to work with others and has an extensive background in helping people. She is passionate about the Orlando community and her goal is to facilitate clients in a timely manner to take charge of their own lives and turn their focus and endeavors into productive, solution orientated behaviors for both their own best interest and that of their loved ones.

If any of these struggles sound familiar to you, or you recognize them in a family member, help without judgment is within reach. Morgan Rahimi is a local Orlando area therapist specializing in Orlando Therapy focusing on women’s wellness, perinatal and postpartum struggles, perinatal loss and trauma.  Contact her at 407.622.1770 or morgan@lifecounselingsolutions.com.