
Four Ways To Make Relationships and Finances Work

Is money causing conflict in your relationship? Money fights and money problems have been the leading cause of divorce for decades. Being in agreement about your finances is essential to a happy marriage. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest mistakes couples make in regards to money and the ways that these problems can be fixed. 1.  Avoiding

Four Ways To Deal With Guilt

Burdened with feelings of guilt?  Have you done something to cause hurt to your friend or spouse?  Let’s take a look at what you can do when those feelings start to take over your whole being.    1) Pay Attention to the Feelings Guilt is simply a sign telling your conscience that something is wrong. Embrace your feelings, feeling guilty

Three Ways Jealousy Is Good For Your Relationship

Jealousy is a common topic for most intimate relationships. Jealousy is an emotion involving fear, anxiety or apprehension about losing your loved one to someone else, or of being replaced in some way. Since this is a fear-based emotion, it can often bring up other negative emotions like worry and anger. These can be counterproductive and damaging for relationships.

Three Reasons Women Blame the Other Woman

When an affair has occurred, who is to blame?  The responsibility most often should be allocated to the betrayer of the relationship – the husband.  This is not to say the “other woman” does not have responsibility, especially if she knew he was married.  However,it's understandable that the other woman becomes the target for a lot of the anger and

Five Ways To Make The Most of Internet Dating

Do you find it hard to believe that numerous studies are claiming that over 30% of couples say that they met online?  Have you ever considered dating online?  Where the norm once was to meet at church, matched up by friends, or in a social setting like a club or bar, it is becoming more and more popular, acceptable and

Five Facebook Dating Rules

Where technology, Facebook and connecting online can all be good things, they also have the potential to create a false sense of security and cause us to lose our real sense of intimacy. Think about some of the things that you post on Facebook and then consider if you would say those in person? This is not to say that

Is Your Commute Ruining Your Relationship?

Today, we are encouraged to take on lots of new commitments, doing many things, but potentially doing few things well like our most important relationship.  Did you know that new research from Umea University indicates that a 45-minute commute each way increases the likelihood of a breakup by 40%?  This study examined the habits of 2 million couples over 10

Three Reasons Couples Increased Intimacy After 9/11

What we often tend to forget during times like 9/11 is that tragedy also provides one, unintended service: It brings us closer together and allows us -- for one fleeting moment, anyway -- to feel we share common bounds in humanity.  We become more human and more focused on the things which really matter in our lives -- our family,

4 Ways Unforgiveness Destroys Your Marriage

  Unforgiveness does its work slowly.  It’s almost like mold behind a wall, you may not notice it this day or the next day, but eventually you will experience its harmful effects. Here are 4 Ways Unforgiveness Destroys Your Marriage: 1. We increasingly limit the intimacy of our relationship. Unforgiveness is like a wall that you are building a brick at

Three Ways To Beat Midlife Blues

According to recent research out of a Belgium university, happiness follows a U-shaped curve during a person’s lifetime.  This study showed that middle-aged people are the unhappiest.  Could this be the death of ambition and the beginning of the road to acceptance? Young adults dream of the possibilities and have hopes for their future, while adults, past 50, have become