by: Cherlette McCullough

After undergoing weight-loss surgery, a lot of men and women struggle with accepting their new body.  After surgical weightloss, most patients struggle with the extra skin, baggy clothes, compliments they’re not used to hearing, insults from naysayers, etc.  All of which can cause added stress to the already difficult lifestyle changes.

This stress can then cause sadness, which can turn to into depression or addiction.  Bariatric patients oftentimes end up back in the situation they were in prior to weight-loss surgery because they didn’t make efforts to heal emotionally to what may have been the cause of the weight gain.  Losing the weight is great, however, holding the emotional grudges against yourself makes it hard to accept your new body.

weightloss, bariatric surgery, self-love

Here are 3 Tips to Start Accepting Your New Body:

Remember Your Why

Keep in mind why you decided to have weight loss surgery. Write yourself reminders to see throughout the day.

Think of yourself in a positive way.

When you start having negative thoughts, challenge yourself to recognize the pattern, stop it, and replace the negative thoughts with positive thoughts/affirmations. For example, “I am beautiful.” “I love myself and my new body.” “I accept the new me.”

Do not avoid mirrors or clothes shopping for clothing that fit.

Don’t hide in the oversized clothes. Go shopping with a trusted friend or family member. Oftentimes we aren’t able to truly see the weight loss and will still try to buy the pre-surgery sizes.  Bring someone with you to help shop and make it fun again!

Overall, remind yourself daily of the reasons you decided to have weight-loss surgery. Maybe it was to be in better health, live longer, feel better in a swimsuit, or to finally check something off your bucket list. Having weight-loss surgery takes lots of courage and determination. Reach out for support from friends and family, or join a support group with others who know firsthand what you are going through. Compliment yourself, increase your positive self talk… Work on shifting your mindset into accepting your new body and its changes.

You deserve to enjoy this journey. You earned it.

If you are stuck or would like help during this phase of your life please feel free to call us at Life Counseling Solutions 407-622-1770 or make an appointment today!