By: Colleen Andre, LMHC

Everyone has experienced a point in their life where they find themselves extremely indecisive and stuck. A decision as small as “What should I eat today?” to something as big as “Should I change jobs?” Sometimes, the big decisions in life can paralyze and weigh you down. You do not want to make the wrong decision, but at the same time, you are not making any decisions. You are stuck! All the while you to feel anxious, stressed, and fearful about the big decision. What can you do? Here are 5 steps you can implement to help you overcome the fear and make big decisions!

  1. Research

Spend some time researching the options for your predicament. It is important to be informed. It may be scary but be aware! Burying your head in the sand will not give you the best solution. Ignorance is surely not bliss. Set yourself a specific time frame, days or hours, for what you are researching. The internet is glorious but it can also be a black hole. Set a limit for yourself so you do not overindulge in research. You do not want research to become a roadblock from actually making a decision. You have to remind yourself that it is important to be informed but it is impossible to know everything.

  1. Pros and Cons

A good ol’ pros and cons list. Often times, we make pros and cons in our heads but it’s important to actually sit down and write it out. When you write out all the benefits or drawbacks then you can see a clearer picture of the situation. Make sure to write out all the positive and negative consequences of each option, regardless of how small.

  1. Welcome Trusted Relationships

Invite friends, family members, or even co-workers who you trust, to help you make a wise decision. First, evaluate their life and determine whether they are people who make smart and positive decisions. You can invite your best friend to help out but this person can also be impulsive and reckless in their choices (opposites attract right?). It is important to have outside perspectives to help you evaluate your pros/cons. But, do not invite those who can lead you down the wrong path based on their own decision-making patterns and life choices.

  1. Take Action!

Now is the time to actually make a decision. Pick your choice and move forward with the process. Remember that making a choice, regardless of the outcome, will propel you forward. Absolutely nothing can happen if you choose to stand still. It is scary and stressful but a weight can be lifted once this pressure is gone.

  1. Move Forward and Do Not Look Back

Whatever the outcome of your decision, it is something you have to face. Every choice you make will have a positive and negative consequence, it is impossible to avoid the negative. Do not look back; filling yourself with regret and guilt. Not making a decision is not any better. Being fret with anxiety, fear, and indecisiveness is a terrible feeling. You can not change your past but you can resolve the present, learn from the past, and work towards your future.

It is one thing to struggle with decision making, everyone occasionally deals with indecisiveness. However, if you or your child is suffering from immense stress, anxiety, guilt, and fear from decision making then it is important to seek help to overcome it.Call Life Counseling Solutions at 407.622.1770 to set up an appointment or a free 15-minute consultation with me. Or, make your first appointment online by clicking here. 

About Colleen: Colleen values the importance of a comfortable and non-judgmental atmosphere. At the heart of her work, she seeks to create a safe environment in which clients can feel at ease while working through life’s difficulties. Her specialty is working with women and adolescents struggling with anger management, trauma, and anxiety. She also enjoys assisting those facing multicultural or racial issues. Ultimately, her goal is to help clients uncover the source of their distress so that they can begin to heal.See Colleen’s full bio.

Or, connect with her on Facebook or Instagram for more tips, encouragement, and posts.