
Back to School Anxiety 

By: Colleen Andre, LMHC You have everything ready and set for your teen's first few weeks back to school. Clothes shopping is done, new school supplies are bought, and lunches are prepped for the week. Everything is planned and perfect. Until you realize your teen's back to school anxiety starts creeping in. The next thing you know, you are trying

When Is It Time To Get Clean And Sober?

Now is always the right time to get clean and sober!  Often times when someone starts contemplating stopping or going into treatment they will come up with a list of various reasons why they can’t.  We frequently hear things like, “I don’t have time,” “I could lose my job,” or “I won’t spend as much time with my children.”etc… The

Understanding Co-Occurring Disorders | Orlando Substance Abuse Counseling

by Jessica Candelaria Lipsey Over 10 million people have a mental health disorder and substance use disorder combined (2005).  Recognizing the link between addiction and co-occurring disorders is important for many reasons, but when we acknowledge this link as a professional – whether it be a counselor, nurse, doctor, attorney etc. – it allows us to develop a cohesive system

Start Fresh and New Beginnings | Orlando Life Coach

by Mike Martinez As the new year begins I can’t help but think of the many new beginnings that it will bring. Maybe you’re starting a new job this year. Perhaps you’re moving into a new apartment, house, or maybe even a new city. Maybe this year you’re becoming a Mom or a Dad for the first time. That’s quite

Dealing with Loss During the Holidays

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year...It’s the hap-happiest season of all.” These lyrics maybe true for many but certainly not for all. The holiday season can be a great time, but it can also be one of the most difficult seasons for those who have suffered loss. Whether the loss was recent or years ago, you may be

Fighting the Holiday Blues

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Is it really? For many, the holiday season is a somber time where we remember loved ones lost or the scarcity and pain in our lives. Here are some ways to combat the holiday blues Reach out! As human beings we need to be with people. Making new memories is a great

Beat the Holiday Stress for Blended Families & Time Sharing

The holidays can be a stressful time for blended families. Whether your family has gone through a recent divorce/separation, or not, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with stress and anxiety about the holidays and making it all work. Here are 5 ways to beat the holiday stress for blended families and time sharing. Plan Be open and honest in discussing

This is Us: How To Help Your Child When Facing Cultural Differences

By: Colleen Andre I recently got sucked into a new fall show called This is Us. I am loving it so far as the tear-jerking moments tug at my heartstrings. But, the show is not just about creating sappy moments and making viewers cry. The show really hones in on topics real people struggle with, anywhere from body-image to abandonment

  • anxiety, stress, depression, affairs, betrayal, cutting, abuse, self-esteem, blended family, divorce

Overcoming Challenges in Blended Families

In blended families there are numerous challenges in becoming a family in harmony. The first relationship that must have a firm foundation is between the biological and step parents. In blended families there tends to be issues of anger, resentment and bitterness in the beginning. As step parents face these challenges strife can come in the marriage which in turn

  • Parentification happening after parents go through a divorce.

Preventing Parentification | Children After A Separation or Divorce

If you read my earlier article Parenting my parent, “I thought I was the child?” | Understanding Parentification, you are familiar with the dangers of parentification. Parentification is when a role reversal occurs when a child is forced into the role of a parent for themselves or their parent. Many consequences occur when a child is forced into an unnatural